Africa Day Campaign: Theme: Acceleration of the African Continental Free Trade Area

The Africa Union has set a theme for 2023, and it is all about accelerating the African Continental Free Trade Area implementation. To commemorate this, the Africa Day Campaign for 2023 has been themed Africa Continental Free Trade.

The campaign provides a unique opportunity to document Africa's stories and promote the benefits of free trade. 

However, one concerning issue that highlights the need for this campaign is the lack of African representation on global digital knowledge networks. Despite Africa being a vast continent with diverse cultures, languages, stories, innovations, and inventions, dating back centuries, the content about it on platforms like Wikipedia is severely underrepresented.

Through this initiative, we can ensure that African knowledge and narratives are created by Africans. By documenting Africa's stories, we can also ensure that African knowledge and narratives are represented accurately and inclusively in global digital knowledge networks. This will contribute to a more diverse and representative global knowledge ecosystem and create opportunities for Africans to participate in shaping the world's knowledge and innovations.

Support the Campaign
  1. Organising a local event in your country. Find all you need in our organizers guide
  2. Sharing details of the campaign with your friends, family and on social media
Join The Campaign

You can join the campaign by creating new articles, adding references, uploading images and videos or by ‘destubbing’. Check our FAQ for more information

Frequently Asked Questions
Africa is a continent with a rich and diverse culture, history, and heritage. It is home to more than 1.2 billion people, who speak over 2,000 languages and dialects, and it boasts of abundant natural resources. Despite all of these attributes, Africa is one of the most underrepresented continents online. Shockingly, there is more information about the city of Paris than the entire African continent on Wikipedia. The Africa Day Campaign writing contest aims to change this narrative. It is a call to action for individuals, organizations, and institutions to come together to close the gap and give Africa a befitting representation online. The campaign theme for this year is Africa Continental Free Trade, this seeks to encourage people from all walks of life to share their stories surrounding the theme. The Africa Wiki Challenge is an opportunity for all of us to come together to promote a more accurate and diverse representation of Africa online. Join us today and let's work together to close the gap!
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